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Intention to Float

Mit dem Kernaktionär und dem vergrößertem Streubesitz sind Stabilität und Liquidität bei Montana Aerospace optimal kombiniert.

Price Range

Mit dem Kernaktionär und dem vergrößertem Streubesitz sind Stabilität und Liquidität bei Montana Aerospace optimal kombiniert.


Mit dem Kernaktionär und dem vergrößertem Streubesitz sind Stabilität und Liquidität bei Montana Aerospace optimal kombiniert.

PA Pricing

Mit dem Kernaktionär und dem vergrößertem Streubesitz sind Stabilität und Liquidität bei Montana Aerospace optimal kombiniert.


Die Montana Aerospace bietet Ihren AktionärInnen ein nachhaltiges Investment in Wachstums- und Nischenmärkten.

Auf Basis unserer langjährigen Multimaterialkompetenz sowie unseres umfassenden Know Hows bei Entwicklung und Produktion, realisiert Montana Aerospace komplexe Komponenten für Kunden aus der Luftfahrt, der E-Mobility und der Energy-Industrie. Dabei verfolgen wir mit unseren weltweiten Engineering- und Fertigungsbetrieben ein klares Ziel: Wir wollen local to local als voll integrierter Komplettanbieter nicht nur unsere ökologische Performance sondern auch die unserer Kunden weiter verbessern und als Game Changer den strukturellen Wandel in der Luftfahrtindustrie aktiv mitgestalten.


Vertikale Integration = Volle Wertschöfpung

Wir sind ein vollständig vertikal integrierter Zulieferer für Flugzeugstrukturen mit weltweiter Engineering und Fertigungskompetenz sowie einer einzigartigen Multi-Material-Expertise. Unser innovatives Produktdesign wird dazu durch ein proprietäres IP unterstützt.


Game Changer When It Comes To Structural Change

Durch CAPEX von EUR 500 Mio. konnten wir unsere unternehmerische Performance in einem sich schnell verändernden Zulieferumfeld verbessern. So etablierten wir uns in den letzten Jahren als Buy and Build-Partner bei namhaften OEMs und Tier1s. Dies führte zu einem deutlichen Anstieg unserer Umsatzpipeline. Mit einem Zuwachs von EUR 1,2 Mrd. Gesamtvolumen (März 2020 bis Januar 2021) konnten wir damit unseren vertraglich vereinbarten Umsatz von EUR 3,0 Mrd. auf EUR 4,2 Mrd. steigern. Und das trotz Covid-Krise.


Schlüsselpartner für unsere Kunden

Durch unsere Nähe zum Markt, die auf unserer Local to Local Service-Strategie basiert, und durch einen soliden Best-Cost-Country-Footprint konnten wir langjährige Beziehungen zu namhaften Kunden aus den Bereichen Aerospace/E-Mobility und Energy festigen und ausbauen.


Proven Business Model

Langfristig lassen Bevölkerungswachstum und zunehmender Wohlstand die Nachfrage nach Mobilität weiter steigen. Gleichzeitig wächst das Bedürfnis nach nachhaltigen Mobilitätskonzepten. Unser skalierbares Geschäftsmodell mit einem klaren Fokus auf ESG ermöglicht uns, eine langfristige Wachstumsstrategie entlang der Megatrends in Nord- und Südeuropa, Europa und auch in der APAC-Region umzusetzen.


Clear Committment To ESG

Unser Geschäftsmodell basiert auf der Reduzierung von Umweltbelastungen. Unser langfristiger Erfolg beruht auf der Integration der ESG-Ziele und -Verpflichtungen in die Wachstumsstrategie unseres Unternehmens.


Hidden-Champions in Nischenmärkten

Mit dem Kernaktionär und dem vergrößertem Streubesitz sind Stabilität und Liquidität bei Montana Aerospace optimal kombiniert.


Vorteilhafte Aktionärssturktur (kommt nach IPO)

Mit dem Kernaktionär und dem vergrößerten Streubesitz sind Stabilität und Liquidität optimal kombiniert.

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Game Changer in the Aerospace Supply Chain

Durch Investitionen in hochmoderne Fertigungsanlagen, strategische Akquisitionen und operationaler Excellence gestaltet wir den Strukturwandel in der Luftfahrt aktiv mit. Höchste „Design and Build-“ sowie „Build to Print-“ Kompetenzen zu Best-Cost-Country-Herstellungsbedingungen über jeden Prozessschritt hinweg machen Montana Aerospace so zum Partner der Wahl weltweit führender Flugzeughersteller und unterstützen diese durch innovative Produkte und fortschrittliche Produktionsverfahren weiterhin auf ihrem Erfolgskurs.




from 2009A to 2019A



from 2009A to 2019A


1,439.3 M

FY 2023


137.7 M

FY 2023


Alongside VARTA AG and Aluflexpack AG, Montana Aerospace AG is one of the three pillars of Montana Tech Components AG. The parent company Montana Tech Components AG, founded in 2006, is a global industrial group with headquarters in Reinach (Switzerland) that specializes in key technologies in future markets. All three business areas of the growth-oriented Group are among the market leaders in their fields of activity. These leadership positions are secured through continuous further development. At Montana Tech Components, a sustainable increase in corporate values has been taking place from an ecological, social and economic point of view since it was founded.


Business Model

The core business of Montana Aerospace AG is the customer-specific development and manufacture of highly critical structural parts and assemblies with a focus on lightweight solutions made of aluminum, titanium, hard metals and composite materials.

Our worldwide engineering and manufacturing network with deep vertical integration offers our globally operating customers reliable one-stop-shop solutions. This reduces the complexity of procurement, lowers dependencies and optimizes delivery times and routes. In addition to lowering costs, this applied efficiency also leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions in the manufacturing process.

Our customers benefit from the substantial new investments made in best-cost country environments, from our outstanding service and from the high level of flexibility, agility and reliability of our dedicated team.

The combination of our pronounced understanding of materials, the highest level of manufacturing competence and customer proximity ensures us a strong position in the market and makes us an important partner of the leading OEMs and Tier 1.

Our long-term strategic development is shaped by tracking the customer needs of tomorrow, which are turned into innovations with the help of our R&D activities and accelerated through targeted investments and strategic M&A activities.

The Montana Aerospace business model is growth-oriented, scalable, sustainable and solid.



Our hands are firmly on the wheel as we shape a sustainable future of mobility with a spirit of innovation, experience and a sense of responsibility.

Our hands are firmly on the wheel as we shape a sustainable future of mobility with a spirit of innovation, experience and a sense of responsibility.



Montana Aerospace Management has decades of industry experience and extensive expertise in M&A. The two members of the Group Management Board, CO-CEO & CFO Dr. Michael Pistauer and CO-CEO Kai Arndt, jointly manage the operational business of the Group and are also responsible for the strategic development of the Group in cooperation with the Board of Directors.



We want to create sustainable growth and enhance value. Our strategy is based on in-depth material know-how and a one-stop-shop concept with a best-cost country footprint and it gives us tailwind. We rely on this.

Dr. Michael Pistauer, Co-CEO & CFO




1. Quartal

2. Quartal

3. Quartal

4. Quartal


1. Quartal

2. Quartal

3. Quartal

4. Quartal



With our financial and annual reports, we ensure the highest level of transparency. Here you will find our Annual- and Interim Reports plus additional financial information: Investor Release, Group Key Financials and Presentations.

Financial year 2024

Interim Financial Report - 1st Quarter 2024 Download PDF
Ad Hoc Announcement - 1st Quarter 2024 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation – 1st Quarter 2024 Download PDF
Audio Track - Earnings Call MP3

Financial year 2023

Annual Report 2023 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation – Annual Report 2023 Download PDF
Audio Track - Earnings Call MP3
Ad Hoc Announcement - Annual Report 2023 Download PDF
Interim Financial Report - 9M 2023 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation – 9M 2023 Download PDF
Audio Track – Earnings Call Presentation MP3
Ad Hoc Announcement - Interim Financial Report 9M 2023 Download PDF
Interim Financial Report - First Half-Year 2023 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation - First Half-Year 2023 Download PDF
Audio Track - Earnings Call Presentation MP3
Ad Hoc Announcement - First Half-Year 2023 Download PDF
Interim Financial Report - 1st Quarter 2023 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation – 1st Quarter 2023 Download PDF
Audio Track - Earnings Call Presentation MP3
Q&A Transcript Download PDF
Ad Hoc Announcement - 1st Quarter 2023 Download PDF

Financial year 2022

Annual Report 2022 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation – Annual Report 2022 Download
Audio Track – MP3 MP3
Q&A Transcript Download PDF
Ad Hoc Announcement - Annual Report 2022 Download PDF
Interim Financial Report - 3rd Quarter 2022 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation – 3rd Quarter 2022 Download PDF
Audio Track – MP3 MP3
Q&A Transcript Download PDF
Press Release - Interim Financial Report 3rd Quarter 2022 Download PDF
Interim Financial Report - First Half-Year 2022 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation – First Half-Year Report 2022 Download PDF
Audio Track - MP3 MP3
Press Release - Interim Financial Report First Half-Year 2022 Download PDF
Interim Financial Report - 1st Quarter 2022 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation - 1st Quarter 2022 Download PDF
Audio Track - MP3 MP3
Press Release - Interim Financial Report 1st Quarter 2022 Download PDF

Financial year 2021

Annual Report 2021 Download PDF
Earnings Presentation - Annual Report 2021 Download PDF
Recording of the Earnings Presentation Video Link
Press Release - Annual Report 2021 Download PDF
Interim Financial Report - 3rd Quarter 2021 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation - 3rd Quarter 2021 Download PDF
Press Release - Interim Financial Report 3rd Quarter 2021 Download PDF
Interim Financial Report - First Half-Year 2021 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation – First Half-Year Report 2021 Download PDF
Press Release - Interim Financial Report First Half-Year 2021 Download PDF


  • ISIN: CH1110425654 /111 042 565
  • Ticker symbol: AERO
  • Initial listing: May 12th, 2021
  • Number of shares: 19,727,096 (incl. Greenshoe)
  • Stock Exchanges: International Reporting Standard at SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich
  • Market capitalization: CHF 1.2 Bn

Coverage by analysts

Basic Information

ISIN / Valor

CH1110425654 /111 042 565

Börsenkürzel / Reuterssymbol



12. Mai 2021

Anzahl der Aktien



International Reporting Standard an der SIX Swiss Exchange in Zürich


CH1110425654 /111 042 565

Ticker symbol / Reuters symbol


Initial listing

May 12th, 2021

Number of shares


Stock Exchange

International Reporting Standard at SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich

Interim Financial Report - 9M 2023 Download PDF
Ad Hoc Announcement - Interim Financial Report 9M 2023 Download PDF
Earnings Call Presentation - 9M 2023 Download PDF
Audio Track - Earnings Call Presentation MP3

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Grundkapital in EUR





ATX, TX Prime, WBI





ca. 500 mio EUR

Juni 2014

Shareholder structure




Zürcher Kantonalbank

Raiffeisen Centrobank








Gerhard Orgonas

Dr. Philipp Gamper

Markus Remis

Alexander Thiel











Letztes Update





Aktienkurs & Kursentwicklung








Financial Year 2024

25.01.2024Mitteilung zum vorläufigen Umsatz für das Gesamtjahr 2023
03.04.2024Jahresbericht 2023
08.05.2024Interim Financial Report – Q1 2024
14.08.2024Interim Financial Report – HY 2024
14.11.2024Interim Financial Report – 9M 2024
25.01.2024Announcement on preliminary sales for the full year 2023
03.04.2024Annual Report 2023
08.05.2024Interim Financial Report – Q1 2024
14.08.2024Interim Financial Report – HY 2024
14.11.2024Interim Financial Report – 9M 2024

Annual General Meeting

21.05.2024Generalversammlung 11 am CET
21.05.2024Annual General Meeting at 11 am CET


In this section, you can find all relevant information on our Annual General Meetings.

General Information

Information on the next Annual General Meeting will be disclosed in due course. Shareholders who represent a total of at least ten percent of the share capital or who jointly represent shares with a nominal value of CHF 1m may submit requests to place items on the agenda for the General Meeting no later than 45 days before the respective General Meeting.

Financial year 2023

Presentation Annual General Meeting in German Language Download PDF
Results Annual General Meeting in German language Download PDF
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting in German Language Download PDF
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting Download PDF

Financial year 2022

Presentation Annual General Meeting in German language Download PDF
Results Annual General Meeting in German language Download PDF
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting Download PDF
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting​ Download PDF
Brochure on the Amendment of the Articles of Association Download PDF
CV Helmut Wieser Download PDF

Financial year 2021

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting Download PDF
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Download PDF


Montana Aerospace offers its shareholders an investment opportunity in high-growth niche markets.

Based on our many years of experience with multi-material components and our extensive development and production know-how, Montana Aerospace realizes sophisticated system components and complex parts for its customers in the aviation, e-mobility and energy sectors. The company pursues a clear goal with its worldwide engineering and manufacturing operations: to play an active role in shaping the structural changes taking place in the aerospace industry. As a vertically integrated full-service provider with a global local-to-local approach, the company is a game changer and sustainably shaping and improving its performance and that of its customers. At 33 locations, around 7.200 employees manufacture components and innovative lightweight design solutions, thus making an active and important contribution to climate protection and the future of aerospace.


Vertical Integration = Full Value Creation

Montana Aerospace is a highly vertically integrated aerostructures supplier with a solid best-cost-country footprint, multi-material expertise in aluminium, titanium, composite, copper and steel and innovative product design backed by proprietary IP.


Game Changer When It Comes To Structural Change

Durch langfristige Investitionsausgaben in Höhe von mehr als EUR 580 Mio. (CAPEX) im Zeitraum 2018 bis 2021, wovon ein Großteil in den Ausbau von Produktionskapazitäten und Produktionsstätten investiert wurde, konnte das Unternehmen in einem sich schnell verändernden Zulieferumfeld weiter wachsen und sich in den vergangenen Jahren als Buy-and-Build-Partner bei namhaften OEMs und Tier-1s etablieren. Dies führte zu einem deutlichen Anstieg der, auf Basis langfristiger Kundenverträge berechneten, vertraglich gesicherten Umsätze. Mit einem Zuwachs in Höhe von EUR 1,2 Mrd. Gesamtvolumen (März 2020 bis Januar 2021) konnte das Unternehmen damit den Umsatz in seinen langfristigen Kundenverträgen von EUR 3,0 Mrd. auf EUR 4,2 Mrd. steigern. Und das trotz COVID-19-Krise.


Key Partner For Customers

Thanks to the company’s market proximity, which is based on its local-to-local manufacturing and service strategy and a solid best-cost country footprint, Montana Aerospace has strengthened and developed long-term relationships with well-known customers from the aerospace, e-mobility and energy sectors.


Proven Business Model

Over the long term, population growth and increasing prosperity will further increase the demand for mobility services. At the same time, the need for sustainable mobility concepts is growing. Montana Aerospace is convinced that its scalable business model will allow it to implement its long-term growth strategy alongside the megatrends occurring in Europe, America and the APAC region.


Clear Committment To ESG

The basis of the business model and self-commitment of Montana Aerospace is the sustainable reduction of environmental impacts. The long-term success of the company is therefore based on the integration of ESG criteria and the commitment to advance this as part of the growth strategy.


Hidden-Champions in Nischenmärkten

Mit dem Kernaktionär und dem vergrößertem Streubesitz sind Stabilität und Liquidität bei Montana Aerospace optimal kombiniert.


Vorteilhafte Aktionärssturktur (kommt nach IPO)

Mit dem Kernaktionär und dem vergrößerten Streubesitz sind Stabilität und Liquidität optimal kombiniert.

Game Changer in the Aerospace Supply Chain


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Through investments in state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, strategic acquisitions and operational excellence, Montana Aerospace is actively shaping the structural change in aviation. Highest "Design and Build" as well as "Build-to-Print" competencies at best-cost-country manufacturing conditions across every process step thus make Montana Aerospace the partner of choice for leading global aircraft manufacturers and continue to support them on their path to success through innovative products and advanced production processes.



We at Montana Aerospace are guided by the principles of the “Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance” as the standard of modern corporate governance.

We rely on value-oriented and responsible management and control of the Montana Aerospace Group. This is the basis for a sustainable increase in company value. The framework for this is provided by Swiss law, the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance, the articles of association, the rules of procedure for the company’s administrative bodies, and internal guidelines.

>> Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance







The growing importance of environmental, social and governance factors (ESG) in all industries is also reflected in the corporate philosophy of Montana Aerospace. Because our continued success is based on integrating ESG goals and commitments into our growth strategy, reducing the environmental impact is one of our key business goals. Our health, safety and environmental policy is guided by these commitments. It describes how we will achieve our goals. Our customers also benefit from this policy, as it helps them achieve their own environmental goals. Anyone doing business with Montana Aerospace will do so in accordance with our corporate values. Our interactions are guided by the desire to build and maintain long-term relationships with added value for society. In addition, Montana Aerospace offers its employees a respectful, safe and appealing work environment in which people are the focus and diversity is considered a great opportunity and an asset.


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Wir glauben, dass die wachsende Bedeutung von Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Faktoren (ESG) in allen Branchen eine Chance für Montana Aerospace darstellt. Unser Geschäft basiert auf der Reduzierung der Umweltbelastung. Unser anhaltender Erfolg beruht auf der Integration der ESG-Ziele und -Verpflichtungen in die Wachstumsstrategie unseres Unternehmens.

Unsere Gesundheits-, Sicherheits- und Umweltpolitik beschreibt unsere Verpflichtungen und wie wir unsere Ziele erreichen werden. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen viele unserer Unternehmen unseren Kunden, ihre Umweltziele zu erreichen, darunter: Wo immer die Montana Aerospace Divisionen Geschäfte machen, tun wird dies in Übereinstimmung mit den Unternehmenswerten. Unsere Interaktionen richten sich nach unserem Wunsch, langfristige Beziehungen mit einem Mehrwert für die Gesellschaft Gemeinschaften aufzubauen und aufrechtzuerhalten. Wir bieten ein respektvolles, sicheres und ansprechendes Arbeitsumfeld, in dem Menschen zählen und Diversity als große Chance und Kapital angesehen wird.

Streamlining logistic chains through vertical integration: our one-stop-shop strategy shortens delivery routes and reduces logistical expenses to a minimum. The concept ‘from raw material to ready-to-install product – one-stop-shop’ significantly reduces CO2 emissions compared to conventional manufacturing concepts.

Recycling: sorting and returning raw materials is key in our factories. Recycling aluminum is very important to keep the proportion of primarily produced aluminum as low as possible. Our foundries are equipped to recycle our own metal returns and, in some cases, also external scrap. These are fed back into the production process as extrusion bolts, which on average consist of ~ 70% recycled aluminum.
Our aerospace aluminium components are even made from 100% recycled aluminium! 

Reducing product weight: by using lighter materials and an optimized design, Montana Aerospace lightweight solutions enable use of lighter materials and a reduction in the mass, energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Examples include the use of weight-reduced alloys such as the patented aluminum-lithium alloy 2043 or the replacement of ferrous materials with light metals in e-mobility applications.

Optimizing processes: by using near-net-shape production processes, material efficiency is greatly increased. Examples include the development of near-net-shape extrusion profiles to produce complex structural parts, thus replacing sheet material that would have to be milled to the final parts design that involves a great deal of time and energy.

Increasing efficiency: ongoing optimization of the energy efficiency of our systems and infrastructure is supported by our internal mechanical engineering expertise.

Reducing water consumption: water is valuable. Our fully automatic surface treatment lines are equipped with environmentally friendly water treatment. The amount of purified water fed back into our production processes is thereby significantly increased.


der Metallrohlinge von Montana Aerospace werden aus recyceltem Material hergestellt.


unserer Metallüberreste werden wiederverwertet.

Bis zu


Tonnen CO2 können wir im Vergleich zum Mitbwerb durch unser One-Stop-Shop-Konzept mit extrem verkürzten Lieferwegen einsparen.



hat sich Montana Aerospace zum Ziel gesetzt ein CO2-neutral produzierendes Unternehmen zu sein


Marc Vesely recte Riha, MSc

Head of M&A and Investor Relations
Montana Aerospace AG
M: +43 664 61 26 261
T: +43 1 961 0692 189